Breast augmentation is a standard cosmetic procedure using breast implants (prostheses) or fat transfer to increase and change the size and shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation, called "breastwork" by patients, involves breast prostheses or fat transfer treatments to increase the size of your breasts.
The purpose of breast size enhancement treatments is to both enlarge and shape the breast. Breast augmentation allows you to improve the size of your breasts to give them a fuller appearance and a beautiful shape. Like every human, women want to see themselves in the most aesthetically pleasing state, including breast aesthetics. Smallness or deformity of the breasts is also considered one of the problems seen as a defect.
The surgeon who will perform breast surgery for breast augmentation can use a breast prosthesis (implant) for augmentation or can perform liposuction by transferring the fat from a part of the body to the breasts. If a surgeon has performed fat transfer in breast enlargement, this is called breast enlargement with fat transfer or "lipofilling.”
If a breast prosthesis is to be placed in the treatment of breast augmentation, breast augmentation surgery is performed by taking into account the patient's demands and factors such as the anatomical structure, availability of the rib cage, and skin condition.
For more information about Ankara breast augmentation surgery, please contact with Ankara Aesthetics Assoc.Yahya BALTU clinic.
While there are many reasons to choose breast augmentation plastic surgery, some of them are:
Although breast augmentation surgery adds an aesthetic appearance to the shape of the breasts, it may not treat excessive sagging (breast ptosis). In these cases, a breast lift (Mastopexy) can be performed, or the surgeon can perform breast augmentation and lifting together to make it more beautiful.
Along with the reasons we have mentioned, mental problems such as loss of self-confidence, low self-esteem, and feeling unwell may occur in women who realize that their natural breast skin is aging and sagging. At this point, the treatment of breast augmentation, which will contribute to solving problems, can be activated.
Breast augmentation surgery is one of the options faced by women whose breasts are deformed, small, sagging, or unsymmetrical for various reasons when they want to enlarge their breasts and correct their shape. The most suitable breast enlargement candidates are:
Breast (Breast) Enlargement Breast surgery is a procedure that will take 60-90 minutes under the conditions of a full-fledged hospital, accompanied by a plastic surgeon. Before the operation, you must follow your doctor's eating, drinking, and medication instructions. In breast augmentation surgeries, the patient can be given general or local anesthesia with IV (intravenous) sedation. Considering the evaluation to be made by the surgeon and the patient's request, it is decided which anesthesia will be applied.
After the surgeon cleans and wraps the skin, a 4-5 cm incision is made to place the breast prosthesis. There are three areas where an incision can be made for breast augmentation surgery:
Nose shaping surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the operation. Your hospital will tell you how many hours before you should stop eating and drinking. You will usually need to stop eating about six hours before the surgery. You should also contain drinking fluids at least two hours before.
Today, under-breast incisions are preferred worldwide, mainly because they are safer. Inframammary is a more suitable incision area for aesthetics when the surgical scar remains in the inframammary fold. In the future, all traces will fade and do not disturb people. After the incision is made, the breast prosthesis is placed on the chest by the surgeon. In breast augmentation, breast prosthesis (Implant) can be applied on the pectoralis major muscle, under the pectoral muscle, or a combination of both.
The breast prosthesis placed on the chest muscle will have a distinct breast image as the prosthesis will be very close to the outer skin of the prosthesis. Since less damage is done to the tissues in this procedure, less pain is felt after the surgery. The prosthesis placed on the chest muscle moves less when the chest muscle moves or bends.
Breast prostheses placed under the chest muscle are less felt and seen. Since these prostheses, also used for breast augmentation, are not just below the breast tissue, they are less likely to be affected by mammograms, which are low-dose X-rays. Since placing it under the pectoral muscle may cause damage to the tissues, the healing process will be extended. Silicones are placed under the muscle in patients with weak bodies or thin subcutaneous tissue.
In biplane augmentation (combination), which combines over-chest and under-chest placement procedures, the upper part of the breast prosthesis sits under the muscle. In contrast, the lower part contacts the breast tissue. The fact that the upper part of the prosthesis is placed under the power does not expose the prosthesis, and there is no fluctuation. The contact of the lower part with the breast tissue creates a more curved nipple (underboob).
The incisions made for breast augmentation surgery are closed by the surgeon and dressed. If swelling and bruising have occurred after the operation, a drain can be placed under the skin to prevent this. Drains are removed before discharge. In the final stage, the patient is taken to the room for the effect of anesthesia to wear off. The patient can be discharged the same day or the next day.
For more information about Ankara breast augmentation surgery, please contact Ankara Aesthetics Assoc.Yahya BALTU clinic.
When your breast augmentation surgery is finished, the results will be visible immediately. Definitive results will appear as swelling subsides a few weeks after skin stretching. However, swelling and bruising may take up to 8 weeks to reduce.
It is usually comfortable after the operation. Your surgeon may prescribe a pain reliever in case of pain. A breast prosthesis behind the chest muscle may restrict arm movements. Special bras can be used after surgery for breast augmentation. Patients may need to wear soft bras (bandeau) to help shape and correct their breasts, especially if they have previously had symmetry or tiny breasts.
It will take some time for the surgical incision scars to disappear. If dissolving stitches are used, there is no need for stitches to be removed. If stitches are taken, your stitches will be removed in about a week. It is normal to have swelling, bruising, and numbness on the nipple that will disappear spontaneously shortly after the surgery. The patient can return to work in 3-4 days. No heavy lifting should be done for about four weeks. If you are doing sports actively, returning to these activities may take up to 6 weeks.
Breast enlargement is not suitable for women in some cases. For example;
People with chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure should decide whether to have breast augmentation after sharing information with the doctor.
It includes breast prostheses (silicone) or fat transfer methods to enlarge the breasts. The most commonly used method is placing a prosthesis on the breast, which is called silicone.
Breast augmentation with fat filling, also called fat transfer breast augmentation, is the practice of taking fat from the belly, side, and lower parts of the abdomen, back, and thighs and injecting it into the breast area. It uses liposuction for this procedure. Breast augmentation with fat filling is preferred by women who want to enlarge their breasts relatively less and choose a natural look.
This method can give successful results in women who do not have an excessive imbalance between their breasts. Breast augmentation with fat transfer, which is a temporary method, will melt and disappear in 1-2 years; if you do not like it, you can have a different procedure again. The downside of this method is that it is temporary. In addition, the filling fat that melts after 1-2 years causes deformity in the breast. For this reason, breast augmentation with fat transfer does not fully meet people's demands.
The prosthesis used in breast augmentation is divided into types according to the shape, material, and surface structure it contains. Breast prosthesis options include:
Prostheses used in breast surgery for breast enlargement are made with various materials. The silicone breast prosthesis placed in the breast contains no substances harmful to human health. However, the quality of the materials used in breast augmentation and shaping surgeries is essential; if a poor quality material is used, this may appear as a problem. Even though it is rare, deformations called silicone explosion, with the widespread expression of tearing or deflating, occur in silicones.
“Page content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.”Although the silicone breast prosthesis is generally designed to be safe and last for many years, the life of breast prostheses and silicones used for breast augmentation does not last forever. Typically, women change their silicones after 10-20 years. There could be many reasons for this. Some of these are tightness in the breasts, pain, tenderness, changes in breast size and shape, rupture or bursting of the silicone breast prosthesis, decrease in breast size, tingling, swelling, burning or numbness in the asymmetrical appearance or chest sensation, wrinkles and fluctuations in the silicone breast prosthesis, which may occur as you get older.
Breast sagging is the desire for new breast enlargement. If there is a deformity in the breast, pain or soreness is felt, or a complication has occurred over the years after breast augmentation, you should consult your surgeon to have the breast checked. The life of the silicone will change depending on the patient, the condition of the body, and how you take care of your prosthesis.
Since the silicones applied in breast augmentation with the latest technologies on breast aesthetics are very suitable for natural anatomy, it cannot be understood whether the breasts are silicone. Silicone breast prosthesis placed in surgeries using quality materials gives the breasts a natural appearance. In the treatment performed by a specialist surgeon, if the most suitable prosthesis is applied to the person's body type, it is very difficult to understand the silicone, even by touch.
Since the silicone breast prosthesis is a foreign substance placed in the body in breast augmentation surgeries, it may cause concern whether there is an allergy in people. Since medical grade silicone is used while producing breast silicone, they do not show allergic reactions. In general, silicone is a substance widely used in the cosmetics and food industry, and it is one of the substances that show the most yum to the human body. However, if there is any hesitation, the doctor can check whether the patient is allergic to silicone during the controls before the breast augmentation procedure.
For women, the critical thing about breast size is how well they feel. Because the satisfaction indicator after breast surgery will be in the patient who is treated, in some cases, although the patient may request a measurement, this may not be ideal for him. Recently, 3D imaging methods that the doctor can use are the solution to this problem. According to the person, the perfect size may vary according to shoulder width, hip size, and body shape.
In the treatment performed by a specialist surgeon, if the most suitable prosthesis is applied to the person's body type, it is very difficult to understand the silicone, even by touch.
Some women, although rare, may have difficulty breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery. A patient who can breastfeed before surgery can also breastfeed after surgery. Incisions made under the breast or the arm prevent damage to the milk ducts, glands, or nerves. Prostheses under the chest muscle are less likely to damage the milk ducts and nerves.
If breastfeeding before breast augmentation surgery is one of the breast aesthetic treatments, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding at least 3-6 months before. This measure helps the breast to return to its normal state. If you have recently had a baby, it is recommended to postpone your breast augmentation surgery for 3 to 6 months.
The length of time you're away from work depends on what job you're busy with. If you work in a position that requires extreme physical activity, you may need to take at least one week off. You should especially avoid heavy lifting. If you work in a job with little activity, taking 4-5 days off will be enough for you. In any case, it will be better for recovery if you do not do even light work for 1-2 weeks on average after breast augmentation.
The breast silicone will not burst unless there is an attack, such as a stabbing from the outside. Poor-quality materials are the most important factor that causes the silicones to explode.
The shape and dimensions of both breasts are important in asymmetric breast aesthetic problems. In congenital asymmetry, which breast will be compared to which breast is decided together with the surgeon. In the apparent asymmetry, one breast is small while the other is large. If the appearance of one breast is ideal, if the other is not developed, silicone is placed on the small breast that does not grow, and symmetry is provided. However, instead of breast augmentation, it is easier to equalize the larger breast by reducing the breast with breast reduction surgery, and successful results are obtained.
In breast augmentation surgery, wounds will likely occur as an incision will be made in our body. Mostly, the scars that occur are light in size and will disappear after a certain period of time. In the breast enlargement procedure, the surgeon hides the scar and makes it invisible. By your surgeon, the scars are tried to be brought to the lower part of the body folds and body lines, if possible. Thus, scars are invisible from the outside and require a special search.
Since the scars remain in the under-chest part, they do not show themselves in a natural stance. Since the wounds remain in the under-breast area, this scar does not reveal itself regarding natural posture. If dissolving stitches are used while closing the incisions, the risk of appearing will disappear as the scar will adapt to the color of the body over time.